The date has passed and the results were overwhelming. With 40+ creatives in attendance, we'll be waiting a couple of weeks to post results and nail the coffin on our second meetup.
To those in attendance, thank you!! Much love and catch you in the chatroom.


Details are as follows:
If you have any questions, refer to our group chat on Instagram or contact Rose and Michael.
Rose: @rosegerberpnw
Michael: @xnilasx or (503) 403-9096
Side note:
We also changed/decided on an official name for our meet-ups. Darchive, or Darchive meet-ups. The one we had for our initial meeting was more of a tester. This one aligns with our future plans a bit better!
This will be our first themed meet-up!
While this is our first themed meet-up, it's our second Oregon photography meet-up. The theme is a combination or variety of surrealism and monochrome.
Bring your creativity.
The theme/s is highly suggested, but there are no requirements for anyone except to be good to others. If you don't want to shoot surrealism, no worries. If you prefer to wear other outfits, also no worries (but you may miss out on group sets, and see below about the black outfit request).
What is surrealism in photography?
Not sure there is any one way to describe this. Imagine you could take your camera into your subconscious. Surreal photography is like an extension of a dream. This can be as simple as portraits with blurred faces, unnatural poses, calculated or sporadic double exposures, or something so intensive, it's riding out near the lines of the abstract. Honestly, just go off. Get creative.
I strongly recommend digging into the different styles of surrealism in photography to find if there's an area that really calls to you.
An example or great place to start is with a simple composite or a floating picture. You could achieve this by taking an image of a landscape (with a tripod), then having a model standing on a chair in the same frame. In Photoshop, you can lay the model image on top of the tripod image and brush away the chair in a layer mask. Boom, surrealism.

Floating example
Of course, that's just one of MANY options. Please, please do a little research, find inspiration, or reach out to Michael if you've got questions or curiosities.
The limitless possibilities are exciting.
Artists to check out:
What do we mean by monochrome?
I know, some of the photographers reading may be thinking of images in black and white or a singular hue in different tints and shades, but we are, in this instance, referring to monochrome wardrobes.
One hope that we have is that we can coordinate to have models in various colors of monochrome outfits. For example, one model in all sage green and another in all violet purple. Obviously, this may be a tall order, but let's discuss possibilities in our chats.
In addition, we would love to have all models bring an all-black outfit, if possible.
Photographers, please consider dressing in monochrome and all black as well!
Clearly, we are at the mercy of the Oregon rain gods, so do your dances or whatever you do.
The beginning and end portions, meeting from 2-4 pm and after sunset, are subject to cancellation under inclimate weather. We will be shooting rain or shine between 4 pm and sunset.
What to bring.
Snacks? Yes. We encourage bringing snacks, drinks, water, beers, and brews. We will likely bring some to share. Hopefully, we can all make ourselves good and comfortable
Models, we recommend one colored monochrome outfit and one all-black outfit. Aside from that, towels, blankets, make-up, and a waterproof jacket.
Photographers, what you carry is entirely up to preference, but I definitely recommend a good tripod for most surrealistic shots/composites.
Props of all kinds are welcomed, the world is our oyster, so load up your car. Don't bring oysters though, it's the beach. The beach has oysters.
Oh, and scrap wood would be helpful for fires after.
Meet and greet: Arcadia Beach 2 pm-4 pm
(weather permitting/bring snacks)
Shooting: Arcadia Beach 4 pm-6 pm
(rain or shine)
Shooting: Short Sand Beach 6 pm - sunset
(rain or shine)
Fires and beers in the sand after
(weather permitting)
There are no pre-coordinated times for group sets or switching who we are working with. We encourage everyone to be brave and announce their ideas. We hope everyone can work together to achieve not only their own goals but to help others achieve theirs as well.
Community over competition.
Rose and I are here to help.
Zero tolerance for bullshit
As far as we know, we have an incredible, polite, and inclusive network.
If anyone is made to feel uncomfortable, the person at fault will be removed and banned from future events. Read the room, never pressure, and don't make creepy comments and I'm pretty sure we'll be good. This is our only "rule" and we will hold a fierce stance at making sure we protect our network.
If at any point you feel uncomfortable about a situation, please consult with Michael or Rose.
We hope to see you there.
Please fill out the form below.
Please drop inspiration links, artist links, Pinterest boards, wardrobe links.... all of that important stuff below! That way we don't lose things in our wild and mischievous chat board. :)
If commenting as a guest, just add your name like a signiture.
ie -Michael
See you all soon!
Lindsey O.
Leedle leedle leedle